Teaching Philosophy

Professor Casey McDonald’s teaching philosophy centers around creating a collaborative and inclusive learning environment where her students can explore the complexities of public relations, journalism, and mass communications. She believes that education should be an interactive process that engages students in critical thinking and problem-solving skills. To achieve this, she incorporates a variety of teaching methods, including lecture, discussion, group work, and hands-on projects. She encourages her students to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and take risks in their learning.

One of Professor McDonald’s key goals is to help her students build real-world skills that they can apply to their future careers. She designs her courses to be practical and relevant, incorporating case studies, current events, and industry trends into her lessons. She also emphasizes the importance of ethical decision-making and responsible communication practices. By providing her students with a solid foundation in theory and practice, Professor McDonald prepares them to be successful professionals in the fast-paced and constantly evolving world of communications. Her dedication to her students and passion for her field make her an excellent mentor and role model for aspiring PR, journalism, and mass communications professionals.